Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Briana's Rules for life...

 1. Just because it is summer does not mean that shorts the size of socks are acceptable. Clothes. They are your friend. Men, lets try and remember that wearing shirts in summer? Always a classy move. It is good for your skin, and better for everyone else's eyes.

2. It is never acceptable for the husband to sleep diagonally across the bed. That is called being a hog. If the wife is sleeping diagonally, or in the middle of the bed then it is called "snuggling".  Hey these are MY rules.

3. Husbands who fill up the van with gas, after you repeatedly bring it home almost empty. They shall have eternal gratitude.

4. Dogs who repeated steal and slobber on the kids stuffed toys, are dogs WHO GET NO COOKIES!!!!!

5. Cats who stalk and bite the dog for no apparent reason are cats who get THROWN OUT OF THE HOUSE!! (for the day)

6. Boys who don't eat their dinner? I call them "hungry boys".  "But I don't waaaaaant to eat my dinner!!!! I NOT HUNGWEEEEEE! IT'S NOT SAIR"

7. Any person on two legs or four who touches my knitting basket, with be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

8. Any time is a good time for Duck Dynasty. Duck Dynasty is the best show ever made. This is my solemn vow.

9. Jonathan Luke Hatcher is a pumpkin pie/sugar bean/ sweetest baby in the entire universe.

10. Despite Jonathan's supreme status, it is never OK to spit up down mommy's shirt, or scratch your hands in poop. Same rule for poopy feet. Just say no, Jonathan.

Photo credit the beautiful and talented Michelle Baylson

Take care y'all.

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