Sunday, April 14, 2013

       I never pictured myself as a mother to little boys, in all of my dreams about motherhood, I fantasized mainly about pink dolls, and lacy socks, and ballet recitals. Instead I find myself in a world that can sometimes be incredibly hard to relate too.  Especially because almost all my friends and cousins have adorable well behaved girls who would never think of putting their brother in a headlock or wiping their boogers on the kitchen towel. If you are a momma to little boys this is the place for you, I can’t promise wise advice, from a seasoned veteran mom, but I can offer a shoulder to lean on, and perhaps a laugh or two.

       You will not find euphoric ideas about motherhood on this blog. I know I can’t be the only one who has had a slightly different perspective on motherhood. My life is very rarely Pinterest worthy. In fact my idea of a vacation would be to be left alone to do whatever I please for a solid 5 hours, and then sleep through the entire night, ahhhh bliss. Another great vacation idea would be a day with no wiping. I am fairly certain that I spend at least 50% of my time wiping butts. Bonus points if I don’t have to chase the poopy butt down the hallway. You haven’t arrived in parenting, until you have chased a poopy savage around the house screeching “DON’T YOU DARE SIT DOWN! COME BACK HERE AND LET ME WIPE YOU!!!!!”.  Ah raising boys, tis an adventure.  Does it seem like I talk about poop a lot? I know I do.  Forgive me dear (5) readers, I need an outlet.

       Despite the differences between me and the Savage crew, I have learned to adapt to their strange ways. We watch MMA together (I scream louder than anybody when my favorite fighter wins). I now know more about weapons than I ever thought possible and even weirder, I really enjoy learning about them. I just received my first firearm for my upcoming birthday, and get this, it was my idea and I am thrilled! Slowly but surely this pack of hooligans have been rubbing off on me, toughening me, and stretching me.  I am starting to enjoy their rough and tumble ways (if not the grossness).  Allow me to say that I am NOT a tomboy; I am as girly as they come.  However I am really looking forward to t-ball, and if it exists anywhere pee wee wrestling.  Stop laughing. My kids would be great at that.  Maybe they can’t color and create like the girls do, but they sure are good at take downs.  So are you in?  Do you want to see a southern sweetie wrangle her three little savages? Good, stay tuned. 
Gabriel and Ethan
David (Dad), Jonathan (baby), Ethan, Gabriel, Briana (Me)

The baby powder snafuThe Culprits

1 comment:

  1. I'm 4 years late but this is really funny and good. Someday you will have time to blog again--I'm waiting!!
