Monday, April 29, 2013

Rules for raising boys...

If you are going to be a Mommy to a little boy, it helps to have some ground rules. So here are a few of my favorites.

1."Toes DO NOT belong in sandwiches!"

2. "If you are going to sit on the couch, you MUST ALWAYS have on underwear! (preferably pants too.)

3. "Absolutely NO dinosaurs in your oatmeal!"

4. "Please stop pinching each other's butts"

5. " No sliding down the stairs on couch cushions!"

6." Yes, you can wrestle, but NO walking on heads!"

7. "Please stop shooting your underwear at each other!"

8."It is NEVER OK to eat crayons"

9. "It is NEVER OK, to have a baby powder war"
10. "You are NOT allowed to jump off of the top bunk!"
11. "it is never OK to finger paint with peanut butter and jelly!"
12. "Color on paper. ALWAYS. ONLY ON PAPER!!!!"

What are your family rules?

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