Wednesday, May 1, 2013

7 Quick Takes.

1.Yesterday at Target I bought the two oldest savages these.

Highly recommend! Jen told me to buy these (OK fine she doesn't actually know I exist .Whatever she posted about them.) I did. I love them. So do the boys. 

 2.I am knitting again! Why did I ever stop???? A much overdue blanket for Jonathan is in the works and rapidly progressing. My boys think my knitting is awesome. They say stuff like "That's my blanket. Mommy made it FOR ME!" So stinking cute, I love how they are not old enough to know what a dork I am yet.

(Innocence feigned)

3.Someone please invent this:".  Well at least I think that there is a market for it.
Can skinny jeans GO AWAY PLEASE?!?!?!? Dumb denim torture chambers that I don't fit into. I fall for it every time I am in the store. " O look how cute! Skinny jeans! All my favorite mom fashion bloggers say they are slimming and fashion forward! Let me try them on!  O my heck why can't I get these stupid flipping things over my calves?!?!?!?!?!"  Epic. Fail.

4.I found these pebbles at the dollar tree and fell in love. Perhaps I have raccoon tendencies? Anyway they match my bathroom and until I figure out how best to display their pebbly prettiness they reside in this little basket. Maybe I can spray paint the basket? Is your house full of stuff you intend to spray paint? No? Mine neither. Decorator I am not, but whatever, I like them they are staying.  Also listen up boys, If you so much as remove a single pebble. I WILL END YOU. Seriously. Don't mess with Mama's pretties, thems the rules kiddos.

             5.                                                      (Jonathan had a little too much to drink)

                      6.(Cutest. Kid. EVER.)    

7. I am rereading "French Women Don't Get Fat",because, you know, pregnant, PuertoRicans, do get fat.
I loved it before I was expecting Jonathan, and I love it now. Hopefully I can fit into skinny jeans soon? See ya later I have to go bathe the kids before the TV rots their brains. Wait a minute, maybe the TV has ALREADY rotted their brains?!?! That sure would explain a lot. 



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