Monday, May 6, 2013

In Which I am Humiliated at Academy Sports...

Would y'all like to hear about my tale of humiliation? Good everyone loves a laugh. I am three kids in to this parenting gig, and really I should have known better. I decided to take  the three savages (plus Nani for backup) to Trader Joe's to see what all the hype is about.  I commenced with the rigmarole that is getting 3 kids out of car seats, and finally made my way to the baby's seat,when IT hit me. THE WALL OF STENCH. Yup. Jonathan had had an EPIC blowout, of course he had soaked through his outfit, and onto the car seat. So I commenced to rummaging about looking for my spare outfit, which was wait for it... AT HOME. So I plunked a spare pair of size 3T shorts on him and accepted the fact that I was going to have to take him in to a store like this...
Apparently the clientele of Academy Sports does not appreciate this look.

So there we were in Academy Sports  looking for a t shirt in his size and getting many shakes of heads, and looks of disbelief  from passersby. Poor Nani was announcing to all of the head shakers that "He just had a poopy accident!"Sigh. Some people learn the hard way I guess. So I paid 10 stinking dollars, for a shirt so my baby could look like this ....

and we hurried our butts to Trader Joe's. I will say that I was impressed with the prices and customer service  at Trader Joe's. I will be back, just sans my rambunctious, loud, offspring.  However I think it will be a little while before I can show my face at Academy Sports anytime soon.

On to big important show stoppping news! Just kidding. I had a birthday this weekend. Whoo hoo.  I got totally spoiled. I went to the range  with my hubby (blessedly alone) and fired my Glock 26 for the first time. It was so much fun. Lest you think that I am all tough butt kicking mommy, I will admit two things. First this is what I look like at the range...

This is what I feel like inside...

 It literally takes me a minute or two to compose myself between trigger pulls. Still I am getting better, so I will call that a win. Then my whole family got together for steak at Arizona's and then ice cream at my house.  I got so many awesome presents, but no pictures because, have I mentioned that I am lazy? 
Also  when Gabe is told that he is anything (funny, handsome, wonderful) his standard reply is now " Yes, I AM Handsome!!!" Just for the record that I think he gets his humility from his father.  In other news, Jonathan is crawling and I am trying not to take it to heart. I really hoped that this baby would decide to not grow up quite so fast. Bah Humbug.

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